• Not at all! We do have a slight focus on the opportunities in the UK, but we also frequently check for American European, and other international opportunities too! The one thing we do do though is make sure that the international opportunities we do put on the site actually come with enough support for international artists to take part - without breaking the bank! This means the opportunities we put on the site often include travel, accommodation or help with shipping the work!

  • You do need to subscribe to gain access to our opportunity table, maintaining it is a full time job and it’s by no means the only job either! Using a subscription based model like this means we can spend as many hours a week as necessary keeping the table up to date and can provide a quality service everyday. It also means we’re not reliant on successful funding applications but hopefully on a large membership base who all individually only have to contribute a little bit!

  • You do not need to be a member to book a tutorial, although it is cheaper if you are! Pricing for members begins at £20 a session where as for non members that rises to £40 a session - both sessions are 50 minutes long.

  • Because we’ve had so few questions, if you have a question that’s not on here, please email us! Not only would I love to answer it, but you may also make the frequently asked questions list!