What we offer

Keep applying for opportunities.

Gain access to a comprehensive list of quality opportunities for UK artists and save yourself from endless scrolling with our easy-to-filter table. Applying to awards and competitions really is one of the best ways of getting yourself out there as an artist, so make sure you never let a good opportunity slip by signing up now!

keep learning from your peers.

When you join our membership, not only do you gain access to our opportunity table, but you’ll also be joining a network of Artists at varying stages of their careers. We’re really passionate about how beneficial it can be to learn from our peers so we’re finding ways we can connect our members together, facilitating crits and discussion or reading groups, hosting workshops or networking events and many other things as we continue to grow.

keep making.

I genuinely and passionately believe that every artist that stops making art is a great loss to the world, and that’s why I want to make sure as many of you keep making as possible! As many of you find that perfect opportunity as possible and are building up a pool of tutors that will be ready to help you, you can check out the tutors already listed on our tutors page!